A Little Background Fringe Please Maestro The Edinburgh International Festival was launched in 1947 as a post-war initiative to re-unite Europe through culture. The Festival proved to be so successful that it inspired more performers than there was room for, eight theatre companies turned up uninvited with the aim to take advantage of the large theatre crowds and showcase their own, more alternative, theatre. It got its name in the following year (1948) after Robert Kemp, a Scottish playwright and journalist, wrote during the second Edinburgh International Festival: ‘Round the fringe of official Festival drama, there seems to be more private enterprise than before …I am afraid some of us are not going to be at home during the evenings!’. Since this time many different versions of the Fringe Festival have proliferated around the globe and have flourished by showcasing the many styles of creative arts. The current economic situation calls for the same approach to reuniting through the arts. We will not dissuaded from our goal. There are so many arts organizations on Long Island and there is little interaction between them. Many of these organizations have asked, "What could we do to make a really BIG splash....?", well, we are bringing FRINGE here to Long Island, an opportunity for all of us to join together. One of the few remaining areas that cannot lay claim to being a part of the Fringe phenomenon is Long Island, a place that is home to one of the largest populations of creative individuals in the United States. The idea of presenting the First Long Island Fringe Experience is very exciting and a project that is long overdue. FRINGE could be a great way to show our collective stuff to the world. Bigger and more prestigious than an Art Fair, Art Show or theater performance on it’s own, the Fringe will incorporate all of these disciplines and more in a weekend of creative energy that will open the door way and put Long Island on the map as a cultural HUB. Fringe has spread through out the world and I believe that Fringe could aid in Long Island becoming a destination place...at least once a year, as we open our doors to the world of imagination.
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